
Friday, October 26, 2007

Vive le weekend!

So this the end of my first full week as Properties Administrator here in Chamoneeeks... And what have we done? Quite a bit actually. Today had another lovely 1 1/2 - 2 hour drive for the pleasure of 20 mins' work, but was quite pleasant as Andrew and I had some rocking tunes on the dial and some good chats and certainly better than being tied to a desk. AND it prevents the gendarmes from ringing me up and yelling at me again for not faxing them copies of the liquor licenses I didn't even have yet, for properties that won't be serving liquor for 2 bloody months! Arrgh!

Do feel like I'm semi settled in, semi know what I'm doing. The great bugbear is still French. I do feel, however, like I've made a bit of progress with the phone convo thing in only a week, so onwards and upwards I hope. I must admit, though, any task involving ringing French people is inevitably postponed as long as possible in favour of the boring filing and paperwork which make up the rest of my role. NOT the way to get better, but it's damn hard! Even harder when they ring up out of the blue and I don't even have the chance to prepare for the conversation.

Going out this weekend with the boys and girls from the chalet should be a good laugh I hope! And then on Sunday I'll be moving into my own apartment, centrally located to all the delights Chamonix has to offer. Oh AND I got paid from the chateau and reimbursed for my train ticket today so relatively speaking I'm rolling in dough.

Best news for last though.... My super-smart and hard-working mum has just finished her BA after something like 20 years' of part-time slog - ever since I can remember she's been going, at any rate. Since I have yet to graduate with my MA, my lovely Dad has had the brainwave of flying my out - gratis as far as I'm concerned!! - to graduate alongside Mum!!! How great is that!!! I've tentatively asked for the time off already and doesn't look like it will be a prob, so - unless like last time, live intervenes - you crazy kids at home can look forward to seeing me next May! Yeah!

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