
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Last photos from the south

Alfred Nobel's villa at Sanremo

Pictured: the problems in the Catholic Church (sorry sorry sorry, Catholic friends! For the benefit of anyone reading this who doesn't know me, I was raised Catholic so can just about get away with those kinds of jokes!)

A sand Mickey Mouse takes shape on the beach at Cannes

Disturbing ad for Orangina...

The tacky-looking Palais des Festivals at Cannes. You can just see the ad I was talking about - puppy in your pocket or something. There was some sort of an exposition or something going on while I was there, I think a TV event, people getting together to pitch show ideas or something?? Anyway, there were lots of journalists and supposedly some minor stars were in town, but I didn't see any.

Eetu, me & Sab at my leaving drinks Friday night at Sansas

Me (standing), Ibiye, Wen & Thomas (sitting)

Tony, Ibiye & Wen

Not too much to report, I went out for some leaving drinks on Friday night. Was quite pleased, it was a civilised affair, very low-key, which is what I wanted. Probably about a dozen people popped by, which was nice. I always hate hosting things because I think it will suck and be my fault, but I think it went well :)

I tried to take my suitcase to the UPS place on Friday, but I ran out of time. The wheel broke on the replacement suitcase as well, so basically it's a 30 euro carton... At the moment, you can still pull it on the other wheel, but who knows how long that will last. Anyway, I'll have to get it sent off on Monday in between my morning lesson and an afternoon tea we're having at school. Landlady is coming to inspect the flat today, so have just been cleaning and packing the last couple of days. It looks like everything else will fit in my suitcase and backpack with no worries, so that's good. Bit disturbing that I've acquired an extra 20 kg suitcase of stuff in the last 7 months, but I am taking 2 double sheets, 2 towels, and a pillow, as well as having bought some more clothes when I was in the UK and just yeah random bits and pieces I suppose.

Feel a bit more like I'm really leaving now that my room is bare, as usual it probably won't quite sink in until I'm on the train. Which reminds me, still don't have anywhere to sleep the first night! I contacted someone offering short-stay studio accommodation but haven't heard back so may have to book a hotel room, sigh. Anyway, might go take the opportunity to enjoy some sun before I go to probably chilly Tours!


  1. One wheel on my wagon, but I keep rolling along. Just watch out for the Cherokees!!

  2. A Happy song!!


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