
Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Confessions of a shopaholic

It's hard to believe that I've been in Tours for over a month now - time has flown by! Certainly a lot less time for mucking around when you're working the big 35 hours... But proof that I've been here a month - I gots paid! First thing I did was join the gym, go me! Then I bought two books and some nail polish. And visited the farmers' market held near my house every Sunday morning - when there's nowt else to do in France in any case... Oh and I had a cocktail on Friday night (and spent all day in bed on Sunday - one cocktail, one vodka lemonade, someone's getting soft - although to be fair I wasn't so much hungover as I was tired). And today I went shopping! Behold the results in my cheesy home modelling session (plus some more photos from around Tours):

Polkadot dress! *Need* some red shoes to go with :D

Stripey Frenchie styles

This is me being a Parisien miss. Note the boots I got in England too. I actually did buy that umbrella in Paris, after my old one bit the dust. (The top is new FYI)

Slouchy grey top from Monoprix

Hmmm, this is very summery, but looking at the photo I'm not sure if it's uber-flattering. Blue panel kinda chops me up awkwardly. Return?

Sunday morning farmers markets! This time I got (clockwise from the baguette): merguez sausages mmmm, basil tapenade (in the plastic container), rillettes de Tours (basically like pork pate), Sainte-Maure goat's cheese (this stuff is awwwwwesome, and a local AOC product - AOC like champagne meaning it has to come from the region of origin and no-one else can make it under that name), lettuce, fresh apple juice - only 2 euros a litre, wow, garlic and courgette. I was going to get fruit but I already had some raspberries and nectarines and cherries in the fridge. Next week...

Maya the naughty cat that pisses on everything, looking very retarded

Ventured to the other bank of the Loire for the first time - you can see the cathedral on the skyline

The Jardin des Prebendes d'Oe - try saying that, I have no clue


  1. Looking really fab, missy!!

  2. Hi, I know I've totally fallen off the face of the bloggy world, but I still check in on your blog from time to time and I gotta say -- you are so pretty! I enjoyed vicariously shopping in France once again.

  3. Oh wow, made my day right there! Thanks so much!


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