
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Coaty goodness

Squee! I got a lovely new trenchcoat today! For ages I've longed to have a 'coat wardrobe', changing colour and style daily according to my whims. Sadly, in Auckland it's rarely cold enough for *a* coat, let alone multiple coats (plus I'm usually too poor to shell out the $200 or whatever it costs for a good coat at home). But perhaps this winter I shall MAKE IT SO! My existing pea coat is really on its last legs - it was really already before I even came to Europe, but it made the trip instead of my nice, relatively new grey coat (which I'm hoping will come over this winter with M & D) because it's short and thus better suited to Nice winters. I'm expecting sterner stuff in Tours though! Anyway, this trench is not going to be super super warm, but it should be perfect for autumn. At the moment, it's still cardigan weather at most, I was out in shorts and singlet today (current forecast for my sister's visit is sunny, low-mid twenties, fingers crossed it stays that way) but it is, as I think I've said, starting to be a bit chilly first thing. And it's even machine washable, which is lucky cos I got foundation on it just now :(
On my wishlist: a red coat (must-have!) and maybe a tweedy-type coat. We shall see... Have my upcoming jaunt to Venice to pay for, plus seriously considering taking advantage of an Air France sale and hitting up Munich for the Christmas markets.

The classic trench. Oh and there's my haircut. Actually I already put pictures up with my haircut, but I suppose Mehm forgot to remark upon it.

And open. Bonus : I changed up posing central! Bet you've always wondered what I would look like strutting my stuff on the other side of the room :) Also pictured: the chair I liberated from the street, not bad au.

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