
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Soirée raclette

Alors, hier soir on a eu une soirée raclette à la maison - bon vin, bonne bouffe, bonnes amies! (Thought I should start out in French to match the title.)

Yesterday my flatmate Géraldine had the bright idea of having a raclette night at home, seeing that she has a raclette set and all! Basically you heat up your own cheese under a table grill contraption and then pour it over a selection of deli meats and potatoes and I suppose anything else that took your fancy. Sound good? Yep, it is! My friend Liz came over & we celebrated Kaelyn's last night in Tours in style, up until 1 am when I went to bed (and back in time 1 hour) and the others stayed a bit later.

Today it was up early, before 7 am some time, can't remember (thus not much sleep for me!) to walk to the train station, get a shuttle to another train station, a train, then a plane. As you will remember, I was stressing about whether or not I would make it to the church on time. Everything went smoothly until I got to the airport, and the plane was delayed by two and a half hours. I'm sure I cursed it with my worries about not making it there on time! So, unfortunately instead of arriving at 2.15 or whatever it was supposed to be, I got in at 5, and there went my first precious afternoon in Venice. It was also raining and dark by 5.20! 11 hours' travelling between stepping out my front door and arriving at the hotel... All that for a 1h20 flight ha ha!

Ah well, looking on the bright side, I'm here, my hotel is well-located and I have a very cute little room for a most reasonable price, and the rain gives the whole shebang a very "Don't Look Now" feel to it. I will let you know if I run into any red-coated dwarves. (Note to Dad: insert joke about Mum not being in Venice here.) (Maybe I should put a spoiler alert on that, but pretty sure the statute of limitations has run out on a 30 year old movie or whatever it is...)

Pretty tired now, so I'm just about to turn in with a book (at 9.35) and hopefully get up bright and early tomorrow and make the most of my sadly short time here.

All set for raclette!

Pouring the melted cheese...

Mmmm, ready to eat!

Me, Géraldine & Kaelyn

The ladies who raclette - Géraldine, Liz, Kaelyn & me

Géraldine, Kaelyn & Liz

Géraldine comes in a convenient pocket-size & is a less scary sight on the windowsill than the evil cat

Liz considered it photo-worthy that I was saying no to wine and yes to water (having to get up early in the morning will occasionally do that to a girl!)

Bonus photo - a picture of me enjoying some cider in Chinon taken by my big sis

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