
Friday, April 13, 2012

Sort of appropriately enough for Friday the 13th...

Someone recently told me Bob looks like Salem. I got the reference straight away, of course, but that didn't stop me making fun of them for bringing it up heh heh. It's so true as well, same uber-round head and everything! How did I fail to see this before?!? So who's who?

And, finally, a couple of clips of Salem in action for your viewing pleasure

And in case anyone's wondering, I'm totally owning the fact that I'm sitting at home on a Friday night, drinking wine, playing with my cat and watching clips of Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Sounds way cooler than whatever you're up to :p


  1. Hahaha - yes! I'd never even heard of Salem or watched the programme, but I can see how having Bob would make watching the clips extra funny!

  2. It was on in the mid- late-90s, so I would have been surprised if you had been watching a show called "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" at that time mum, ha ha!

  3. Would have been too busy at work, no doubt! xxx

  4. There's definitely a strong resemblance between the two of them - not that I had ever heard of Salem before this post. So, in my world, Salem looks like Bob and not vice-versa!

    Hmm, it makes me wonder how I missed this in the mid-late 90s.

  5. It was always so creepy when Salem talked. I blame technology. They would try to make him more believable by making his head move and having his eyes blink but he ended up looking more Linda Blair than fluffy friendly (talking?) black cat.

    Bob is cuter. : )

  6. MK - like my mum, I don't think you were the target audience!

    Ella - Salem was a bit ridiculously ratty/animatronic at times, it's true, but I always liked him, gotta admit. Bob's head just got even bigger with that compliment though ;)

  7. MK - please don't take offence at being compared with me when you're probably 20 years younger!!! :) Gwan's Mum....

  8. No offence intended to either of you!! It has "Teenage" right there in the title...

  9. Gwan, I just read your comment on MK's blog about the Catherine Deneuve song and I'm cracking up. I can just picture you hating it!

    I have never heard this song before and I swear, it's changing my's so ridiculous, especially that guy.

    Par-ee, Par-ee!! hehehehe...

  10. Arrgh! You're killing me here Ella! ;)

  11. black cats are the best cats!

  12. Hi! Thanks for commenting. I think I saw you have a black cat of your own right?


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