
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Norwegian wood

I've been meaning to upload these videos from Norway for some time, but they take a while to do and I kept forgetting. Unfortunately, many of the ones I wanted to upload just got error messages - not sure if they're too big or what. If anyone needed reminding, I'm almost comically awful at shooting videos, so they tend to be wild and jerky as usual. In my defence, it was quite hard taking vids out the window because quite often trees would shoot by and block the view, so some particularly abrupt jerks are caused by me trying to move the camera to a non tree-filled zone. They're all pretty short... If you missed it, you can see some amazing (thanks to the landscape, not my mad skillz) photos and an account of our trip to the Norwegian fjords here and here.

This post doesn't really have anything to do with Norwegian wood (there are some trees in the video though), I just realised I did like 6 posts about Norway without once making that reference. Oh Gwan, what are you like?

Oh, and I just published the post and I don't know why I forgot that Blogger like compresses the video or something, so the quality is not great. I think the first one is the blurriest, the others aren't too bad if you don't enlarge the window.

Amazing mountain/fjord views

This bit was really pretty

It's foggy in them thar mountains (or valleys, as the case may be)

Quite a sweet vid of Mum & Dad by a river outside our hotel. Apparently Mum was trying to get me to turn around so she could wave at the camera for quite some time, but I couldn't hear her. That river was loud! But there you go, she got her moment in the sun after all.

 Driving along the lake/fjord

View of the morning fog as we drove along the fjords. This one comes with a Led Zeppelin soundtrack just for Mary Kay! (With apologies for copyright infringement, it was just what we were listening to at the time.)

At the bottom of the Trollstigen mountain road. Unfortunately, the sun's so strong you can barely see the road itself, but the waterfall is quite pretty


  1. Thanks for the memories... xxx

  2. Oh, man! When I was watching the first videos I heard imaginary strains of Grieg playing in my mind but Led Zeppelin is THE way to go! It's as if you selected the song to go with the curves in the road and the scenery!

    Now that you've been to the country of my father's ancestors, you might appreciate the following. It was recently sent to me by Tom in Wisconsin. As a bit of background info, Americans of Norwegian and Swedish descent have a good time poking fun at each other. I suspect that a Swede was behind this "joke".

    "North Dakota ’s worst air disaster in history occurred today when a Cessna 152, a small two-seater plane, crashed into the Norwegian Lutheran cemetery early this morning.

    Ole and Sven, working as a Search and Rescue Team, have recovered 826 bodies so far and expect that number to climb as digging continues....."

    Thanks for posting the videos! I especially loved seeing the one with you parents!

    1. Ha ha, that's a good one!

      Yeah, I was sorry the tune didn't go on for longer, but I have a photo of the exact image that the video stops on, so I think I quickly decided to stop and switch to photo mode. It was really hard trying to video/photograph and actually LOOK at the scenery all at once, everything was so beautiful.

  3. Wow seems absolutely gorgeous - I totally know what you mean about taking photographs and experiencing what you're seeing. I find I actually hardly ever take photographs when I travel because when I do, I miss out on actually SEEING what I'm there to see - so I'm very impressed with your videos :)

    1. It is really a toss-up... Now I have the pleasure of looking back at videos and photos, but did I miss out on experiencing stuff when I was there? I tried to balance saying to myself I would put the camera down for x amount of time, but I must say, it was hard to resist. I took one continuous video driving down the Trollstigen road which was quite good because I just put the ipad on the dashboard and then I was free to look out the window myself. All my videos from there were too big to upload though unfortunately.

    2. Next year Norway in winter??

    3. If we got blue skies and sunshine like this trip, that would be great! I hear great things about Bergen. Or Northern Lights...

  4. Great now The Beatles' "Norwegian Wood" will be in my head all day. : )

    What a great idea to put videos up. I got a real feel for your experience and the breathtaking views of your road adventures. I especially enjoyed the Gwan's mom cameo!!

    Side note: I love that now that I've met you, I can hear your voice in your writing. I love your accent and your sense of humor. : )

    1. I seem to have "Gangnam Style" in my head permanently at the mo, so I'll trade ya!

      That's so sweet. As you know, I'm not a fan of my accent, but I think everyone hates their own!

  5. i hope you make a return trip!

    i love that you have one with fog...fog now, after living here over a year, kind of goes synonymously with norway. and i havent been to trollstigen yet!!! cant wait to drive it one day. well, ill be a passenger...;)

    1. It was so foggy in the morning! Got some beautiful photos (posted back in august if you didn't see them) with the fog and mountains reflecting in the fjords. Passenger is best, no pressure and you can look out the window!


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