Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Terrible day in which I didn't go to work again, but instead went to the doctor and immediately afterwards lost a coat-pocketfull of papers the doctor gave me, including a prescription, my sick note for work and a blood test referral and then I cried in the supermarket when I couldn't find them again. And freaked out one of the check-out boys, so I guess I'll have to avoid him from now on.

On the other hand, today also brought me this, quite possibly the greatest thing any of us has ever heard, and I think I'm not going too far in suggesting you're probably a philistine if you don't agree:


  1. Philistine here - that went down like a lead balloon.

  2. Like a lead what now?

    I'll be sure to play it for you in future, philistine :p

  3. Play it for your maman she's stone deaf. Or should that be tone deaf?

  4. If she's tone deaf, she certainly won't appreciate its awesomeness

  5. why is awesome good but aweful bad?


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