
Monday, May 17, 2010

Settling in

Eventually had to upload these last photos one by one cos it wasn't a happy camper. But look, my room in all its glory!

The bed corner. The bed that I built! And have managed to (dress?) like a grown-up despite buying one duvet that was too small. Success!

The window

The clothesy corner

The desky corner. For those of you who are good at counting, yes there's a secret 4th corner which is not pictured cos right now it has suitcases and junk in it but will hopefully shortly house a chest of drawers once I figure out how to obtain one from Ikea

The photowall is up - posters pending getting them flattened out again

Collapsible laundry basket! This may be the greatest thing mankind has ever created

I built a clothesrack thing!

And a bedside table - without instructions!

Went to the fair on Saturday night, here's how it looked from the Ferris Wheel

And again

And here's a scary ride I went on, I think it goes up like 60 metres and goes 90 km/hr but could be wrong. You go upside down though, that I know

Walking by the Loire, mainly took this cos it reminded me of the landscape in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, although here there's a river and there's a main road just up the bank instead of a zillion more fields. Photos of NPdC for comparison here

Old house somewhere in Tours

The Loire again

And more Loire

Church near my house - if you look carefully, you can see an old lady wearing a beret and coming up to a zimmerframe traffic jam

The Cher, just for a change


  1. Loved the zimmerframe traffic jam. If you click on the photo it enlarges and you can see it clearly.

  2. Wow - you built that all by yourself? I don't beleeeve it! There must be almost 5 (i.e. 4) pieces of wood in it and I bet there were at least 10 screws to fasten.

  3. Good job I can see moi in the photowall....

  4. Ranch? There's like a million of you if so

  5. I know another million or so like Ranch, (otherwise known as blowflies).

  6. Sorry for accusing you of having a pink duvet - looks lovely in any case...

  7. ummm i only just looked at this now. WHO is likening poor ranchie to a blowfly??!!

  8. Rancho relaxo! Who do you think? Gotta be deeardy


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