Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why no-one's going to hire me as a professional Photoshopper anytime soon

Thought I'd jazz up a photo of me and Jess in the fancy Reims restaurant a bit. It was really hard though, mostly because the wall was the same colour as the (now wonky) table. I also forgot that one of the prime qualities of glass is that it's transparent. I now have a full-to-the brim martini-style glass instead of my wine glass and I just got rid of the water bottle altogether. I also got rid of the wine bucket, but seemingly digitally spilt its contents on the tablecloth in the process. On the bright side, I made my arm a bit skinnier!


  1. Wow! Bien joué!!! LOL! It's amazing how the change of background changes the way your face looks. It looks like two different photos of you!

    Oh and nice work on the table cloth, btw! :P

  2. Ha thanks. Yeah my mum emailed me to say I should buy more clothes that colour!

  3. You didn't make MY arm skinnier, beeeyatch!!

  4. Your arm's already skinnier!

  5. Hey - who's the fat armed one on the left?

  6. Ha ha ha, I think you're cruising for a bruising from that (non-fat) arm

  7. I reckon! I've been doing a lot of gym training too so now have massive guns for smAshing you with!


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